Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dallin's Eagle Project

For Dallin's Eagle Project we went over to Westridge Elementary and painted the curbs red and the cross walks yellow. First we had to scrape the old paint off then the next day we went and painted... needless to say we got plenty of hours! Here are some before, during, and after pictures of the project. Thanks for all those that helped out! :)





Becky said...

Cute blog guys!! It's been too long, you're all so much older! :) We'll have to all get together soon.

Derrick and Angie said...

I am also loving the blog. I have been wanting your family to have one for a while now... you are all so cute and I wish we lived closer so we could play in the basement and break more stuff! Nice work Dallin on your eagle. Westridge was needing that and I'm sure love you for it! Can you guys all come visit us in Oklahoma?